Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So, once upon a time I started a blog. Then I started reading other people's blogs. First I met this radiant lovely, Melissa, of Stay Forever Sunday. Next, independent of meeting Melissa, I met this incredible talent and dandy of a lady, Julie of Tangobaby.

When Julie sought subjects for her I Live Here: SF project, I instantly thought of Melissa. They were both interested in working together. I virtually introduced them via email.

Here are the MAGICAL results of their connection:
M&J on Tangobaby
M&J on I Live Here:SF
M&J on Stay Forever Sunday, twice
M&J plus B on Stay Forever Sunday

I dare you not to smile!


  1. those shots were just amazing by Julie! I loved that entire set as her smile is so infectious.


Have a Brainy and Beautiful Day! Love reading all the Brainy and Beautiful Things you say <3