Saturday, May 30, 2009

Craig's List Lust

I was perusing Craig's List Boston for the perfect piece of laundry area furniture, when I found these:

Five, painted and reupholstered, antique Chippendale chairs. $550 for 5.

Nice to dream a little dream once in awhile!


  1. I love the title! I like to dream decorate once in a while too. And take dream drives through really nice old neighborhoods. I liked the princess post too. :-)

  2. While i love those chairs, i don't necessarily think their true chippendale chairs.
    not that i wouldn't still get them. because they're seriolusly badass!

  3. Ahh craigslist. I recently found a homemade desk for our upstairs room that I inquired about.

  4. what a find?!?!?! gorgeous


Have a Brainy and Beautiful Day! Love reading all the Brainy and Beautiful Things you say <3