One way to enter is to comment on her post. This was my comment:
This is an amazingly generous giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity! For 28 years my mother has been my greatest teacher. Now she teaches a room full of second graders every day. She is an amazing mom and teacher, but she is also a gifted writer. With her youngest child graduating from college this year, her mom duties will be significantly reduced. She is also nearing retirement which will give her more time to do the things she loves, writing included. Every week, on the computer she shares with my father, she writes a column for her local newspaper which can be seen here. If I could give her this laptop and bag, she could write anywhere and it would be of great encouragement to her, a show of support. After all of the encouragement and support that she has shown me and so many others over the years, she more than deserves this. Again, thanks for the opportunity and Happy Mother’s Day to you!
And Happy Mother's Day to all of you mama's and to your mama's for raising such amazing kids who've become my blog friends!
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Have a Brainy and Beautiful Day! Love reading all the Brainy and Beautiful Things you say <3