Monday, December 22, 2008

Rockin' Robin Tweet, Tweet, Tweet...

If Bobby Day only knew what "tweet" would come to mean when he wrote the song Rockin' Robin in 1958...

I am referring to Twitter where I began "tweeting" not a week ago. If you have not heard of Twitter, check it out here. I am still learning the lingo and protocol myself, but it is pretty fun and can be a bit addictive. Basically, it is a "mini-blog", but you are aloud only 140 words per "tweet" ("post" in the big blog world)to get your thoughts and point across. You can also reply to the tweets of others. It is a nice challenge and the Twitter community is a friendly and eclectic lot. If you'd like to follow me on Twitter, click on the link at the bottom of BeTwitterful in the column to the right below "Blog Archive" and above "Brainy and Beautiful Followers". If you would just like to visit my "nest" on Twitter, click here. If you would like to start tweeting, sign up here.

"Every little swallow, every chickadee
Every little bird in the tall oak tree
The wise old owl, the big black crow
Flapping them wings sayin' go bird go"
~ Bobby Day ~

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Have a Brainy and Beautiful Day! Love reading all the Brainy and Beautiful Things you say <3