Sunday, September 7, 2008

Be Grateful

Be Grateful. This is the gentle reminder I received this morning when I went to A Cup of Jo and read this New York Times story. Then I went to Nie's blog, NieNie Dialogues, and fell in love with Nie. Nie, 27 years old like me, and her husband, Christian, who have 4 beautiful children ages 1-6, were in a plane accident on August 16, 2008 and are recovering from severe burns. Their amazing family, including CJane, are caring for Nie and Christian's children and organizing fundraising efforts, alongside all of Nie's blog friends, to benefit the children and keep Nie and Christian's life going while they recover.

Nie's family:

On her childrens' birthdays, Nie has them write wishes, attach them to balloons, and let them go into the universe. Across the globe, people have done the same for Nie and her family in their time of need.

I wrote a letter to CJane and a separate letter to Nie and a separate letter to Christian. In CJane's I enclosed a lucky penny for each of the children. Nie and Christian each get one, too. As Nie always illustrates through her blog, it is the little things, the simple things in life that really matter.

So, in honor of Nie, today I ask you to be grateful for all that life has given you and for the little things. I think Nie would be proud.

Things I am Grateful For Today <3
my husband
my health
the warm kitty purring next to me
my home
fresh picked Maine blueberries still warm from the sun
my family
my friends
soft sheets
my faith
second chances...and third...and forth
the five year old still boldly alive inside me
dark chocolate
vegan cupcakes
cotton clothing
rocking chairs
the icecream man
the swish of a basketball through the net
birds chirping
the perfect pair of jeans
the smell of tomato sauce simmering on the stove
the flowers I clipped from the rose of sharon in the backyard
and oh so much more

Oh, and, after counting the things you are grateful for today, if you could send just a dash of that positivity into the universe aimed at Nie, Christian, their children, their extended family, and their friends both physical and virtual, I would be extra extra grateful. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Alex
    what a beautiful posting. I had read that article, too, and have made them part of my prayer list. Thank you for keeping the word out, and reminding us of what is important.


Have a Brainy and Beautiful Day! Love reading all the Brainy and Beautiful Things you say <3