Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Scribblings #147 - Phantoms & Shadows

This week: things & people, times, places, events and how your memory has treated them.

When I saw the prompt this week I thought of a poem I wrote on September 18, 2002. Kind of a cop out, but I have decided to use it as my scribbling for the week.

12:01 A.M.
So many things that I've forgotten
Bits and pieces come back to me
Slowly I regain my memory

Everything is so murky and vague
Blurs and swirls of memories made
Speak to me from the grave
yard of my soul

So many things that I've forgotten
Bits and pieces come back to me
Slowly I regain my memory

School, misery, the way that boy used to
kiss me

my mother, our unhealthy relationship,
Monday night, out knock down blowout fight
Friday morning, my final flight

400 North Street, feelings of
walking in shoes made of concrete

Making donuts, cups of change

Yes, some of the memories still remain
Parts of me where they're hidden
Places that are forbidden
So hard to unchain

So many things that I've forgotten
Bits and pieces come back to me
Slowly I regain my memory

There are so many gaps
So much feels so far beyond my grasp
Memories I can't remember some
where just beyond

Discontentment, disillusion, confusion, & disbelief
Inability to communicate clearly, preoccupation
with a cheating thief
Shutting down emotion
A reevaluation
Still a lack of communication

So many things that I've forgotten
Bits and pieces come back to me
Slowly I regain my memory

Triggers bring flashes
Images & sounds
They're still with me
They flutter & disappear almost instantly

Maybe its all safer there
I can only handle so much
All at once

So many things that I've forgotten
Bits and pieces come back to me
Slowly I regain my memory


  1. What a fantastic poem! It may be old, but it is right on point.

  2. well i think it was quite apropos to this prompt,, and makes me wonder what bits there are you are choosing to forget.....

  3. Wow, this is good! I like the way you write..the from beyond the grave (next line) yard of my soul...very cool.
    So much of this resonates with me too.
    nice post


Have a Brainy and Beautiful Day! Love reading all the Brainy and Beautiful Things you say <3