Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hi, all! Where have I been?

Sewing. Sewing a polka dot pillow and adding a tulle "tutu" around the edges.

Volunteering. Our new Wednesday session at Perkins School for the Blind started today.

Overseeing. For three days men have been insulating my basement, kitchen & attic.

Photographing. Inside and outside, just so much loveliness waiting to be seen.

Tomorrow I start volunteering as an editorial assistant at Teen Voices Magazine.

In two days, the resilient and magnificent NieNie returns to blogging here.

In a bit more than a week, school begins.

I solemnly swear to keep nurturing my little corner of the blog world...

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Have a Brainy and Beautiful Day! Love reading all the Brainy and Beautiful Things you say <3