Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Infi'Nie'ly Lovely

the fullness of my day was. Tonight I am grateful for husband waking me gently, plush pillows, fasting, prayer, further understanding of my inner workings, moving forward, supportive undergarments, active mind, boy in baggy pants with tattoos and backwards hat turning around to reveal quote from scripture on the back of his shirt, surprising glances, longish shaggy hair, husband, home, health, analyzing poetry with others, experience of interviewing at Teen Voices Magazine, shirt dresses, horses on Boston Common, walking through vibrant Downtown Crossing, cool Fall morning, restraint, inner strength, mirroring, wind blowing through sunroof, pictures, cuddly blankies, love of all kinds, babies swaddled by mothers, bus driver dancing to my ring tone,kitty fluff, nearness, awareness of all senses, engagement in the world, gentle silence, hugs, and another lovely day to look forward to tomorrow.

Prayers and positivity to Nie and Christian & family. Additional prayers for Nie as she recovers from the major skin graft surgery she had today.

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite <3

1 comment:

Have a Brainy and Beautiful Day! Love reading all the Brainy and Beautiful Things you say <3